Business Teacher Education is a major with excellent employment opportunities because of a steady demand for business teachers. The program is accredited by the Nebraska Department of Education and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). Our two degree programs prepare teachers for careers in teaching and in business:
The two teaching degrees available through Business Teacher Education include:
6-12 Business, Marketing, and Information Technology Teaching Field Endorsement
The field endorsement prepares graduates to teach middle school/junior high (6-8), and high school (9-12), all business subjects, and/or manage computer networks.
Go to catalog for degree requirements.
Work-Based Learning Supplemental Endorsement
The Diversified Occupations Supplemental Vocational Endorsement is offered totally online for teachers wishing to add the endorsement to their certificate. 体育菠菜大平台 currently offers the one required class: BSED 431, Coordinating Techniques. In addition to these career classes, a candidate for the endorsement must furnish proof of 1,000 hours of work experience (not in teaching) or complete an internship class for work experience hours.
For more information about business education in schools visit the Nebraska Department of Education, Business, Management, and Information Technology Web site, BMIT.